Quantum State and Taoist Medicine
The state of health in modern medicine must be redefined in terms of the quantum state, rather than in terms of disease. The coherence
The state of health in modern medicine must be redefined in terms of the quantum state, rather than in terms of disease. The coherence
For many centuries, the subtle physiology of Hindu philosophy was illustrated with seven strange “wheels” called chakras along the central column of the body.
According to Hurtak (1994), this network of light is related to a fifth circulatory system of a more subtle nature, related to quantum and
In the previous blog, we discussed the local nature of the meridians, known as the Bonghan circulatory system, which could be considered the physical
For many years, the meridians of classical acupuncture have been viewed as energy channels carrying some kind of esoteric chi energy, but now there
The Art of Medicine has developed along with a growing understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Before we understood the mechanics of the human
Taoist Medicine is one of the most ancient philosophies of healing, yet it integrates the premises of quantum physics in a model of healing
Scientists have been able to demonstrate that matter originates from quantum vacuum fluctuations The vacuum is filled with virtual particles that are continually floating
The seventh and final chakra, the Crown chakra, called Sahasrara, is Sanskrit for “thousand petaled.” This violet orb is seated at the top of
The sixth, Brow, or Third Eye chakra, is an enchanting indigo orb rotating in the center of the brain. Called Ajna, which means “perceive,”
The fifth chakra, called the Throat chakra, is located in the middle of your throat, spinning along the spine in the form of a
The fourth chakra, the Heart chakra, is a bright green orb of light rotating along the spine in the middle of the chest. The
Your third chakra, the Navel or Solar Plexus chakra, can be thought of as an orb of vibrant yellow light rotating along the spine
The second chakra, the Sacral or Sex chakra, is located above the genitals and below the belly button, rotating along the spine. In Sanskrit