Category: By Our Faculty & Guests

2024 Year in Review

With the year coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to look back and appreciate the path we have traveled together. From groundbreaking innovations to heartwarming reunions, 2024 was a year of growth, connection, and unforgettable moments.

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A Special Holiday Message From Dr. Paul Drouin

As we reflect on the journey of the last few years, embracing the challenges and transformations that have come our way, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for each one of you—students and graduates of Quantum University. Our path has been one of discovery and evolution, where we have witnessed the power of consciousness in shaping our realities and health destinies.

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2023: Year in Review

Reflecting on the past year, the Quantum University ‘ohana extends a heartfelt thank you for your continuous support. Let’s take a moment to capture the highlights of the incredible journey we’ve experienced together!

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10 Principles Of Quantum Physics That Apply To Healing

In the realm of healing and health, there exists a paradigm-shifting intersection with the principles of quantum physics. In this blog, we will delve into 10 principles of quantum physics that apply to healing, ushering us into a new era of holistic medicine.

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Quantum Medical Revolution Part 2

It’s time to venture into a new energetic territory, the realm of the biofield. In doing so, we are reinstating the right to heal for both clients and healthcare practitioners. Gone are the days of restrictive regulations that dismiss the boundless potential for healing within the biofield. This shift in perspective, moving from the material to an energy-based paradigm, encapsulates what we term as Pro Consciousness Medicine

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Quantum Medical Revolution

There is a profound shift in perspective regarding human reality that is currently taking place in the field of medicine. The Doctor of Holistic Health program not only integrates these conceptual shifts but also equips students with the necessary technologies and tools to embrace this new worldview in modern medicine. By becoming part of this revolution, students can actively contribute to and shape the transformation occurring in the field of healthcare.

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