Consciousness Acupuncture with Ark Crystal Technology
As we approach the next decade, this needle-free acupuncture model, facilitated by the Ark Crystal, will redefine the healthcare landscape.
As we approach the next decade, this needle-free acupuncture model, facilitated by the Ark Crystal, will redefine the healthcare landscape.
It’s time to venture into a new energetic territory, the realm of the biofield. In doing so, we are reinstating the right to heal for both clients and healthcare practitioners. Gone are the days of restrictive regulations that dismiss the boundless potential for healing within the biofield. This shift in perspective, moving from the material to an energy-based paradigm, encapsulates what we term as Pro Consciousness Medicine
There is a profound shift in perspective regarding human reality that is currently taking place in the field of medicine. The Doctor of Holistic Health program not only integrates these conceptual shifts but also equips students with the necessary technologies and tools to embrace this new worldview in modern medicine. By becoming part of this revolution, students can actively contribute to and shape the transformation occurring in the field of healthcare.
Your Top Questions about a Career in Holistic Medicine. Your Most Burning Questions Answered
Discover the key factors to consider when selecting and sourcing herbs for optimal self-healing. Avoid poor-quality herbs and ensure sustainability by making informed choices. Don’t let the market’s challenges hinder your healing journey.
Explore the captivating world of herbalism, its rich connection to culture and language, and the healing power of plants. Join Alberto Carbo of the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism as he delves into the ancient practice of using herbs for health and wellness. Discover the diverse traditions and beliefs surrounding herbal medicine, passed down through generations. Uncover the secrets of different cultures and their unique approaches to treating common ailments. From chamomile to lavender and ginger, learn about the medicinal properties of plants and master the art of harnessing their healing potential. Immerse yourself in this enlightening blog article and unlock the wonders of herbalism, connecting herbs, language, culture, and people.
Most people wonder how long it will take to start a career as a doctor of natural medicine. This guide discusses the timeline, types of courses you’ll take during your doctor of natural medicine degree program, and job opportunities you can pursue after graduation.
The salaries and incomes available in these fields are growing as alternative medicine becomes an increasing part of medical practice. Before deciding on your career options, you should think about what would best enhance the earning outcome of your profession.
A health coach helps clients determine what obstacles and issues keep them from attaining their health and wellness goals. They work with the client and their healthcare professionals to achieve a holistic balance between their medical care and lifestyle so they can be healthy and successful no matter their ultimate goals.
If you are interested in furthering your education in alternative medicine, we have listed Quantum University’s top alternative medicine degrees in 2023.
Both, functional and integrative medicine provide care to the whole person, but it’s important to understand the critical differences between functional medicine vs. integrative medicine. When you know which approach serves which purpose, you can appropriately recommend a method of care.
A holistic health practitioner is a professional who takes a whole-person approach to care. The holistic practitioner understands that a person is more than just a package of organs and tissues. For the holistic health practitioner, salary isn’t the only gain. More important is the immense reward of caring for the whole person, from mind to body and beyond.
When advanced technology (Vacuum Engineering), is merged with the meditative experience of Singularity (Point Omega) collectively, a civilization will have reached a level of mastery in which they will have integrated their external world with their internal world.
Energy healing training can give you more tools to help heal people in your practice. This guide will cover what energy healing is and how you can become certified to practice energy medicine.
Quantum University is a degree-granting university in the State of Hawaii and is recognized by the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners (BNMDP), the Board of Integrative Medicine (BOIM), the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB), and many other independent and globally recognized accrediting organization.