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Mette Dyhrberg Interview

Host: Dr. Paul Drouin

Guest: Mette Dyhrberg

Mette Dyhrberg is a digital health innovator improving the quality of life for those with chronic disease. She is the founder and CEO of Mymee, a digital therapeutics program rethinking autoimmunity.

The Mymee protocol detects triggers to reverse the symptoms of autoimmune disease using data analytics and telehealth coaching. Mette speaks regularly for organizations including The Institute for Functional Medicine, Stanford Medicine X and Doctors 2.0, on how we can reinvent health care for autoimmune diseases.

Mette holds MSc in Economics and is a certified health coach. An economist turned diagnostician, she’s the Sherlock Holmes of anamnestic data. She first entered the functional medicine arena in an attempt to tackle her own chronic health issues. In her early twenties, she became severely ill, going from earning top grades to being unable to read a book, from working as a model to being overweight and heavily medicated.

For years, Mette battled an ever-expanding array of medical diagnoses ending up with six different autoimmune diseases. Mette took matters into her own hands, hacked her own health and soon began helping others do the same: drawing on ideas and methods from Lean, systems thinking, and software engineering, Mymee is built to support iterative health improvement for the individual.

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