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Ariel Garten Interview

Host: Dr. Paul Drouin

Guest: Ariel Garten

Ariel Garten is a neuroscientist, innovator, and entrepreneur whose driving purpose is to empower and help others overcome mental obstacles in order to live healthy, happy lives and reach their maximum potential.

Garten is the Founder of Interaxon, the makers of the award-winning wearable meditation technology called MUSE: The Brain Sensing Headband.

Before founding Interaxon, Garten was trained as a neuroscientist and psychotherapist, and also started her own international clothing line while working in labs researching Parkinson’s disease and hippocampal neurogenesis. It was her unique ability to blend of science with art that was integral to the design of Muse and to Interaxon’s unique approach to brain sensing technology.

Garten’s creativity and entrepreneurial head combined with her fascination with the brain lead her to join forces with two like minded friends, the later co-founders of Interaxon, where together they founded a Silicon Valley backed startup that allowed people to control computers with their minds, the technology that sparked the creation of Muse.

Her team’s technology has been featured in over 1000 media pieces, as well as was the feature showcase at not only the 2018 G7 Summit, but also at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics where they set up an installation that allowed over 7,000 people control the lights on the CN tower, Canadian parliament buildings, and Niagara Falls with their brains from across the country.

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