Bridging the Gap Between Western Medicine & the Understanding of Subtle Energy
As a medical doctor, I am very conscious that most of the major concepts that I have learned in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Taoist medicine
As a medical doctor, I am very conscious that most of the major concepts that I have learned in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Taoist medicine
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recently reported that approximately 38 percent of adults in the United States are using some form
Pro-Consciousness Doctors are the Future of Medicine The practice of meditation has been growing in popularity over the past decades. Years ago, the subject
Integrative Medicine is a model of medicine that takes into account the whole person; the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and
What exactly is consciousness, and how does it relate to medicine? Well, consciousness has numerous facets such as how we perceive our world, our
Dr. Amit Goswami, quantum physicist, author of The Quantum Doctor and faculty member at Quantum University, states that “quantum physics provides a model proposing consciousness
Secret Life of a Cell Part 3, introduces the largest structure inside a eukaryotic animal cell, the nucleus. Protected by a plasma membrane, the
Part 2 of this series continues describing the organelles, the basic tiny structures of eukaryotic cells: lysosomes (which contain over 50 different enzymes), endoplasmic
Follow along as we dive into how our cells work in the body. Each cell in the human body is specialized to have a specific
The idea of spontaneous healing related to consciousness, as brought forth by Dr. Deepak Chopra with his best-selling book in the nineties, Quantum Healing,
There was a time when it was convenient to think that the earth was flat, but times changed and reality could no longer be
Today’s healthcare system is in a critical phase of transition. The real issue of unaffordable healthcare costs needs to be addressed, but how can
The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, which suggests that our thoughts and emotions can affect the structure of water, has been popularized in the
Western healthcare is in urgent need of reform. The costs of sustaining current models of medicine continue to escalate and are becoming increasingly unaffordable.