Are you reconsidering your career?

Dr. Paul Drouin, President and Founder of Quantum University

In times of crisis or transition, new opportunities appear. 

Throughout my medical career, I have had to reinvent myself many times, from being a medical doctor in Canada to my current status as a professor of Integrative Medicine and the founder and president of Quantum University. This was quite an exciting and creative journey. 1)

Quantum University students come to us from all paths and backgrounds and from all over the world (60 countries) and are making the same choice, along with doctors, nurses, and other health practitioners who are looking to exercise their skills and credentials in a more holistic environment. 

These days, many people, not only from the field of healthcare but also from many different social backgrounds and walks of life, are seeking more meaningful careers. Many graduates of Quantum University have made that choice and are now practicing an exciting career.(2)

It May Be Easier than You Think to Reinvent Your Career during the COVID-19 Crisis.

The world may never be the same after the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarantines and lockdowns have created insecurity and vulnerability in all markets. It is undeniable that the evaluation of the work marketplace after COVID is alarming.

The O.C. Tanner survey found that 48 percent of respondents are considering a career change – in another industry – as soon as coronavirus loses its grip. More than half (55 percent) of these people are classified as essential workers, while 63 percent worry about losing their income, their job, or both, and just over a quarter (28 percent) have received recognition within the past month. A full 77 percent of all employees surveyed say their workplace culture will never return to what it was before COVID-19, found the O.C. Tanner survey of 1,679 employees in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. for the week of April 13 to 17.” (3)

“Now is an exceptional time to explore a new path, transitioning to a different profession, starting a new business, or pursuing a not-for-profit position. As the world finds a new normal, it’s a good time for individuals to find a new job with both purpose and a paycheck.(4)  

The winners that come out of this painful crisis will be the individuals who will reassess their careers with the goal of finding a more secure and flexible environment in which to express their initial purpose and original mission. You may have to reinvent yourself, but not completely. Your previous credentials and skills can be expressed in a new way where there will be more advantages and benefits, such as working from home at your own convenience and on your own terms with a better income. Balancing work and family relationships will also be improved. How is this possible?

Wellness Medicine Will Follow the Same Development as Telemedicine.

According to the AMA Digital Health Study, 2019, $250 billion in care could shift to telehealth. The report notes that 46% of patients are now using telehealth to replace canceled in-person visits, up from just 11% of patients who used telehealth in 2019.(5)

Success Always Requires a New Perspective on Your Potential!

What if you can transfer your set of skills and credentials to another environment that is safe and tailored to your needs? You could be a nurse, a doctor, a holistic health practitioner, or any wellness practitioner and in a few months reinvent yourself in the midst of a booming industry of Telemedicine.

Here is the story of one of our Quantum University graduates:

“I am a medical physician (outside of the USA) and went through my personal journey where I knew all I was doing and the circumstances that were occurring in my life were for a higher purpose. I’m very much intuitively guided, but at that time I was too left-brained to accept it. I couldn’t see past anything without a scientific basis. 

One day, a friend of mine passed me a book named “Many Lives. Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss, MD. This book resonated with me where it changed my entire life. Here was another medical professional who has an Ivy League background and did his own research and journey where today he has helped thousands of people all over the world. He’s been on Oprah, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and so many healers of our time. This brought me clarity, and I decided to go further by pursuing my Doctorate in Natural Medicine and my PhD in Integrative Medicine at Quantum University. (Dr. Bindu Badu) (2)

Reconnect with Your Dreams!  

Go back in the past to those years where you choose your career path, and remember your original intention. It could be that you are now far from what you initially thought, or it could be that you no longer fit into the circumstances in which you are now evolving.

Don’t Underestimate Your Professional Value.

Reassess your strengths and skills. Too many times, when a career takes a turn, people think that they are restarting from nothing, “Tabula Rasa.” But that’s not the case. Talents, skills, maturity, and inestimable experience must be taken into account, as well as the credentials from your previous education, including the multiple seminars and trainings you have attended throughout the years, and those precious skills you have accumulated can be transposed into another context. Write them down. Make a list of all your assets, and design a portrait of what could be the next vision that suits your dream.

Match Your Vision with Your Perfect Career.

Scan the markets and their trends so that you don’t go against the current. What would be going countercurrent after the pandemic is to persist in the old structures that no longer work or have not adapted to our new reality.

TeleHealth Medicine is one of the fastest-growing fields in the post-COVID world, including the coaching industry.(6)  With efficient training, workers in the wellness or healthcare industry could be very fast on their feet with better work conditions and better financial rewards. If this field doesn’t resonate with your sets of skills or experience, keep looking as other industries will also grow exponentially in this new economic context.

See Challenge as an Opportunity.

In the next decade, the Healthcare and Wellness industry will create opportunities for qualified and well-trained Holistic and Wellness practitioners. The access to these new fields will be as Health Coaches properly trained to interface with the new reality of TeleHealth and Digital Coaching. Adding to this new area of expertise will be higher credentials with a Doctorate and PhD in Integrative Medicine and Natural Medicine. In the last five years, Quantum University has created these professional paths by adding training in Telehealth Digital Coaching to the existing Doctorate programs.

Talk with an Academic Advisor.

When the time comes to consider a shift in your career, financial considerations are one of the main obstacles. You may think that you must start from “scratch,” however, this may not necessarily be the case. The evaluation of your previous education is one consideration, but also your experience, skills set, and extra-curricular training could be added as equivalences to shorten your path toward earning new credentials. Therefore, it’s important to take the time to talk to an academic advisor to have a precise idea of your educational assets.

For example, the studies for a new degree in Integrative or Natural Medicine, can be done part-time at your own pace, even integrating coaching training after 6 months, which would allow you to generate income as you complete your Doctorate. Many possibilities that you may never have considered can upgrade your status as a professional in the healthcare or wellness industry and improve your career.

Join a New Opportunity in Healthcare and Wellness Medicine. 

“There is a game-changer in every generation, something unexpected that alters the course of our cultural behavior, in this case, our medical culture. Who would have imagined that telehealth and the smartphone would profoundly transform many areas of our society, from our personal communications to the way we access information? The next decade is likely to see the implementation of digital technology in the monitoring of our health potential and telehealth coaching, shifting the focus from a medicine of disease to a medicine of wellness and health.” (7) 

The immediate outcome will be creating a new career in holistic healthcareas a Wellness Doctor, coaching clients toward their full potential and resonating with the needs of Health Practitioners who are looking for a more suitable work environment in the post-pandemic era.

* * * * *


  1. Drouin, P. (2014). Creative Integrative Medicine: A Medical Doctor’s Journey Toward a New Vision of Healthcare. Amazon Kindle. ISBN: 978-075282577. 
  2. Quantum University Alumni Spotlights:
    1. Dr. Tara Deniz – 
    2. Dr. Tina Prodnik –
    3. Dr. Keith Tong –
    4. Dr. Bindu Babu –
    5. Dr. Justin Reese –
    6. Dr. Jyun Shimizu / Dr. Isabel Perez –
  3. Quantum University Graduating Classes of 2021: 
    1. Summer 2021 –
    2. Winter 2021 –
  4. Wilson. J. (2020 Apr 22). Corporate culture takes a hit in pandemic: Survey. Retrieved from
  5. Vozza, S. (2020, May 21). Time for plan B? Here’s how to reinvent your career. Quote from Andrew Levine, founder of Second Act Stories podcast. Retrieved from
  6. Henry, T. A. (2020 Jun 18). AFter COVID-19, #250 billion in care could shift to telehealth. Retrieved from
  7. Drouin, P. (2021 Feb 16). Quantum Health Coach (QHC) and Wellness Medicine: The fastest-growing market for a new career [Blog post]. Retrieved from
  8. Drouin, P. (2021 Feb 03). Immersive Digital Medicine [Blog post]. Retrieved from

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Picture of Dr. Paul Drouin

Dr. Paul Drouin

Dr. Drouin has explored and successfully integrated aspects of alternative natural healing practices and evaluation techniques with conventional medicine to provide the best outcome for his patients, dedicating his life to the promotion of natural health, the prevention of disease, and to bringing a greater depth and understanding to Creative Integrative Medicine.


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Quantum University is a degree-granting university in the State of Hawaii and is recognized by the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners (BNMDP), the Board of Integrative Medicine (BOIM), the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB), and many other independent and globally recognized accrediting organization.