How Long Does It Take To Become a Doctor of Natural Medicine?

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Natural medicine combines alternative medicine and cutting-edge science. Natural medicine doctors use natural products and techniques like herbalism, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and meditation to help clients improve their health and overall well-being. Becoming a doctor of natural medicine is a rewarding career. Natural medicine physicians can develop close relationships with clients and deepen their knowledge of the natural world. 

Most people wonder how long it will take to start a career as a doctor of natural medicine. This guide discusses the timeline, types of courses you’ll take during your doctor of natural medicine degree program, and job opportunities you can pursue after graduation. 

Becoming a Doctor of Natural Medicine

Research shows that the global market for alternative and complementary medicine will increase by 25.1% annually between 2023 and 2030. This rapid growth will lead to plentiful career opportunities, so it’s a great time to become a doctor of natural medicine. Let’s review the typical timeline to earn a doctorate in this discipline.

How Long Does It Take To Become a Doctor of Natural Medicine?

Several factors can affect how long it takes you to become a doctor of natural medicine. Typically, students who have already earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field can complete a PhD in Natural Medicine in up to four years. With Quantum University’s PhD in Natural Medicine, students have complete control of the self-paced courses and can complete the degree in only one to two years. This timeline includes coursework and writing a dissertation. 

If you haven’t earned a healthcare degree, you may need to spend more time in school before launching your career. Most PhD programs require students to complete a relevant bachelor’s or master’s degree before beginning their doctoral studies. However, Quantum University offers Bachelor’s and Doctorate of Completion degrees, which allow students with non-health-related degrees to earn equivalent course credits. 

Quantum University also has a Bachelor to PhD in Natural Medicine Fast Track. This program allows students to enroll in multiple degrees simultaneously. For example, a student could complete a Bachelor’s in Holistic Health Sciences, Master’s in Natural Medicine, and Doctorate and PhD in Natural Medicine at the same time. 

Quantum University’s fast-track degree program enables students to complete their education quickly and without interruptions. This convenient option saves time and money.

Curriculum for Doctor of Natural Medicine Degrees

The curriculum for a Doctorate of Natural Medicine varies by school. However, many programs offer similar courses and learning experiences that allow students to develop expertise in natural and herbal medicine.

Year 1 

The first year of most doctoral programs involves extensive coursework. These classes give students a strong foundation in natural medicine and enable them to study the field’s contemporary debates. 

Here are a few examples of background courses you may take while pursuing a PhD in Natural Medicine in a doctor of natural medicine program: 

  • Biology of Belief: This class examines how attitudes and beliefs influence mental, physical, and spiritual health. 
  • Neuroplasticity: This course explores the function and structure of the brain, contemporary findings on neuroplasticity, and strategies to rewire the brain to improve health. 
  • Pro-Consciousness Meditation: This class introduces students to innovative theories and approaches to meditation, such as crystals and quantum physics. 

Year 2

Many doctoral programs require students to complete a dissertation during their final year. Most dissertations range from 50 to over 100 pages, depending on the complexity and scope of the topic. This project allows students to develop expertise in a niche and establish their credibility as a scholar by conducting original research. After completion, students can publish their dissertations with the World Organization of Natural Medicine. 

As you research doctoral programs, look for schools that support students during the dissertation stage. For example, Quantum University provides each Doctorate and PhD student with a personal Dissertation Mentor. These advisors provide guidance and feedback as students develop their projects. Additionally, Quantum University students have access to extensive databases of articles related to alternative, holistic, and natural medicine.

Job Opportunities as a Doctor of Natural Medicine

A doctor of natural medicine can pursue many exciting job opportunities. Here are five popular career paths for Quantum University graduates: 

  • Become a multi-practitioner by drawing on approaches from natural and traditional medicine
  • Work for an integrative medicine clinic
  • Launch your own solo practitioner office
  • Work for a concierge practice
  • Practice telemedicine

Become a Doctor of Natural Medicine At Quantum University

You can launch or advance a fulfilling career by completing a Doctorate or PhD in Natural Medicine. Quantum University’s comprehensive online program can help you get started. Our excellent faculty and helpful staff provide students with the expert guidance and support they need to succeed in becoming a doctor of natural medicine. The schedule is flexible and self-paced so that you can balance your studies with your job and other responsibilities. 

Students who earn a Doctorate or PhD in Natural Medicine go on to earn certifications from the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners, among others. Contact Quantum University today to take the next step in your educational journey. 

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Quantum University

Quantum University is the world’s largest institution of higher learning to provide online degrees and certification programs in holistic, alternative, natural, and integrative medicine based on the science of quantum physics. Students can earn bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate and PhD degrees leading to professional board certifications.


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Quantum University is a degree-granting university in the State of Hawaii and is recognized by the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners (BNMDP), the Board of Integrative Medicine (BOIM), the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB), and many other independent and globally recognized accrediting organization.