Creative Healthcare Health Coach
Creative Healthcare Health Coach Program
Presenter: Estelle Thomson, M.A., Dr. Bindu Babu, Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D., and Dr. Tracey Clark
Duration: 455 hours
Registration Fee: $4,800
Creativity is a basic theme that appears throughout the Quantum University curriculum. To paraphrase Dr. Amit Goswami, creativity is a discontinuous change in meaning that is outside the purview of materialism and, therefore, within the realm of consciousness, the ground of all being. This new Creative Healthcare Health Coach Certification Program teaches students to embrace the artist within as they focus first on creatively healing themselves, providing a deeper, more conscious understanding that can then be integrated into a highly-creative coaching practice. This all-inclusive Health Coach Program will provide the necessary tools and skills for operating a healthcare business with best practices and readily-available technologies to guide clients toward their fullest potential for health, and show you how to become a well-rounded creative coach and facilitator as you learn to implement creative methods and tools to self-regulate, heal old wounds, and welcome yourself and others as more emotionally mature and wholesome human beings.
At the heart of the Creative Healthcare Health Coach program is our unique and innovative new course, Methods in Breath, Movement, and Creativity (MBMC), a collection of powerful techniques in breathing, movement, and creativity that work directly to regulate, re-educate, and rewire our brains with playful and engaging coursework. This course has gathered together a rich array of mindfulness-based practices, expressive movement, and the arts as therapeutic and transformative ways of healing. It encourages the students to apply this meaningful synergy to personal practice rituals as well as in personal and client relationships. The MBMC course demonstrates the effective and potent use of mindfulness-based practices and the expressive arts as a necessity for health and well-being. Estelle Thomson (MA) will educate and inspire you to weave more meditation, yoga-inspired sequences, and painting meditation into daily life. As a therapist, clinician, school teacher, and parent, Thomson brings extensive knowledge in the trauma-healing power of imagery and sacred symbology. By providing clear guidelines for how anyone can embrace a path of self-discovery and self-care, this course’s intent is to open your spirit to an even more profound way of being in the world – as a healer, helper, and life artist.
The Creative Healthcare Health Coach program also introduces students to the basic principles of creating a profitable and sustainable holistic-based small business in today’s economy, including fundamental skills for starting and operating a business and developing a viable business plan for producing goods and services in a free enterprise economy. The focus will be on implementing and mastering these skills in order to achieve a successful venture that incorporates higher consciousness and being true to oneself. Other topics, including the environment of business, financing, accounting, e-business, e-marketing, and the internet, will be introduced as they affect national and international trade.
This comprehensive program includes foundational courses in Holistic Anatomy and Pro-Consciousness Meditation and also offers a thorough grounding in the basic requirements of coaching necessary to become a certified Creative Healthcare Health Coach including Coaching and Communication Skills and Client Relations and Professional Ethics.
- IW-404 – Methods in Breath, Movement, and Creativity
- QE-104 – Health Entrepreneur
- IW-722 – Holistic Anatomy
- IQ-700 – Pro-Consciousness Meditation
- HC-101 – Coaching and Communication Skills
- IW-203 – Client Relations and Professional Ethics
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the profound connection between breath, movement, and creativity as powerful transformative methods of healing.
- Confidently incorporate methods in breathing, movement, and creativity into personal practice and relationships with family and clients.
- Explore and communicate the necessity for personal self-expression and creativity in the wellness world and personalize their efforts as they experience their own connection with this life force.
- Accumulate a library of grounding techniques in breath, movement, and creativity for use in their personal lives and their healthcare practice.
- Develop a sacred symbol journey for self or a client from initial consultation to the end of the cycle.
- Refine their mindfulness, movement, and creativity practice as a tool to navigate the unknown.
- Describe the dynamic role of holistic entrepreneurship and business.
- Justify and clearly communicate the mindset, vision, and intention of their business.
- Design the application of quantum-based principles and ethics for developing and sustaining a profitable business.
- Organize and manage a small holistic health business, including developing and implementing financial planning and control and assessing liability and malpractice insurance.
- Integrate strategic marketing planning and the internet and design a workable business plan.
- Examine the premises and foundations that are part of integrative medicine and the foundation for holistic anatomy.
- Differentiate the Five Bodies of Consciousness as five energetic layers or envelopes: Physical, Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss.
- Identify the multiple effects and benefits of meditation, including physiology and brain transformation.
- Discuss the theory of quantum physics, the Torus Field, Space Brain, Black Holes, and Brain Crystal Radio as applied to meditation.
- Explain the process of transcending, including the use of multidimensional approaches of combining Breath, Coherence Mantra, and Sacred Geometry.
- Describe how Pro-Consciousness Meditation can be applied and integrated into personal practice.
- Identify the qualities and skills required of a healthcare professional, including ethical practice, time management, record keeping, stress management, and complete client care.
- Recognize the powerful influence that their own observations, language, and focus have on the client and how to use this influence to promote healing and to support the client’s goals.
- Create a comprehensive and practical intake form that incorporates the quantum concepts of observation and entanglement to support the client’s ability to achieve and maintain positive health.
- Identify the basic requirements in health coaching and demonstrate competence In these areas through a series of exercises designed for that purpose.
- Write a comprehensive personal Mission Statement incorporating an understanding of the basic premises of quantum physics and other important factors related to Pro-Consciousness Medicine.