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Certified Pro-Consciousness Meditation Health Coach

Dr. Paul Drouin is a Canadian MD, Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Doctor of Natural Medicine, and Professor of Integrative Medicine with more than twenty years’ experience as a Family Doctor who has devoted over thirty years to exploring traditional and alternative methods of curative, preventive, and Integrative Medicine. He founded Quantum University in 2002 and the Noosphere Project in 2015 and is the host of the annual World Congress of Integrative Medicine in Honolulu.

Certified Pro-Consciousness Meditation Health Coach


Presenter: Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D.
Duration: 438.5 Hours
Registration Fee: $4,800

The Pro-Consciousness Meditator Program provides in-depth training and scientific evidence for a powerful meditation technique that implements concepts of quantum physics and the artful utilization of Breath, Coherence Mantra, and Pre-Informed Crystals to address the multidimensional nature of our human reality. It also provides an in-depth look at our Holistic Anatomy, which is directly affected by this unique and innovative meditation technique.

In addition to our ground-breaking Pro-Consciousness Meditation course, this unique program includes important courses that expand your understanding of the invaluable effects of meditation, including training in Digital Biofeedback, Holistic Anatomy, Neurofeedback, Client Relations and Professional Ethics, and Coaching and Communications Skills. Today, through quantum physics, we can establish the scientific foundation of a holistic understanding of human anatomy that includes not only the physical aspect but also the nonlocal quantum nature of our being. It is important for meditators to become familiar with these concepts.

This program also includes a Meditation Starter Kit with unique Crystal technology products including the Flower of Life Diamond Crystal, a Vogel-cut Crystal Wand, Crystal Pendant and the Vital Force Te2 Homeopathy Product, which assists with the enhancement of meditation and clarity, and a video explaining how to use the kit.

Crystal Kit 2021

*Tuition cost does not include shipping fee for the Crystal Meditation Starter Kit. The shipping fee will be determined depending on the destination. A Quantum University Staff Member will be in touch to collect this fee prior to shipping.

This is what you will learn and experience through Pro-Consciousness Meditator Program


  • IQ-700 – Pro-Consciousness Meditation Course and Toolkit
  • IQ-701 – Digital Biofeedback
  • IW-722 – Holistic Anatomy
  • IQ-601 – Neurofeedback
  • IW-203 – Client Relations and Professional Ethics
  • HC-101 – Coaching and Communication Skills
  • Access to to personally receive the Coherence Mantra

Course Take Aways:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Identify the multiple effects and benefits of meditation, including physiology and brain transformation.
  • Discuss the theory of quantum physics, Torus Field, Space Brain, Black Holes, and Brain Crystal Radio as applied to meditation.
  • Explain the process of transcending, including the use of multidimensional approaches of combining Breath, Coherence Mantra, and Sacred Geometry.
  • Describe the Power of Intention and expound upon its effect on global consciousness.
  • Describe how PCM- Meditation can be applied and/or integrated into personal practice.
  • Board Certified Health Coach (BCHC) by AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners).
  • Board Certified Pro-Consciousness Meditation Health Coach (BCPCMHC) by ANMCB (American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board).
  • Access to the for personal access to receive Coherence Mantra
  • Practice and teach Pro-Consciousness Meditation
  • Provide and utilize an in-depth understanding of Digital Biofeedback.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of Holistic Anatomy.
  • Apply a thorough understanding of the ethics and legalities of client relations.
  • Demonstrate high-level coaching and communication skills.

*Tuition cost does not include shipping fee for the Crystal Meditation Starter Kit. The shipping fee will be determined depending on the destination. A Quantum University Staff Member will be in touch to collect this fee prior to shipping.